Growth #5
Oil and Cold Wax on cradled panel
Growth #5 in her new forever home.
A dear collector of my art (let's call her BB) challenged me to enlarge Growth, the painting on the cover of 30 + Some. BB had the spot in her dining room all picked out for it. We measured and decided a 30x30 would be the perfect size.
I immediately ordered the panel. I was committed. I was scared. Could I do this?
I knew I had to do some experimenting to see if I could enlarge a 5x5 into a 30x30. Now you understand why this is Growth #5. There were a lot of incremental size increases and experiments with how to work the texture. The only thing that remained constant through all 5 paintings was the color pallet. Even with that constant, all of the paintings are really different. This is part of the joy of working with no drawing. Things just happen. This is how a series of paintings happens.
So, yesterday, Growth #5 was installed at BB's and everyone is happy!
Every time I deliver a painting, it is an odd feeling, like having a friend move away. Or my friend getting a new girlfriend. Something like that.
Thank you, BB, for giving me this challenge and trusting me to paint something you would love enough to add to your wonderful collection.